Friday, September 10, 2010

C's dangling experience

We have a detached garage that sits in front of our house, so there is no direct door from the house. As you can imagine, getting three kids out to wherever we are going is no easy task. There is coaxing, balancing and, occasionally, some juggling involved. Now that C is getting a bit older, he runs ahead when we head out.

As we headed out the other day, C rounded the corner and I clicked my garage door opener. I was holding M's hand and carrying F's car seat. M stumbled a bit, but I heard C squealing from around the corner. I guessed that C was trying to pull out our wagon and it was stuck on something, so I helped M to his feet and turned the corner to get into the garage.

You get pretty good at guessing what your kids are up to. Mothers can decode cries and read the sound of feet (mischevious movements sound different than just your average running around), so I was fairly confident in my assessment of what was troubling C.

I was wrong.

C was hanging from the garage door by one hand. He was at least a few feet off the ground, which is a lot when you are only a few feet tall. He was flailing around, still squealing.

After I calmed him down, which took several minutes because he was shaking and thoroughly traumatized, I was able to envision the moment that he must have grabbed the handle on the front of the garage door in an attempt to help pull it open. The problem was, he waited too long to let go and he didn't know what to do, besides hang there.

He now eyes our garage door with a hint of contempt.


  1. My roommate and I laughed at this haha, poor kid!

  2. Oh, that'd leave me afraid of heights. (Mind, I am already, so..) Decided to check your blog out after you left that comment - ty btw - and gotta say the sense of humors kinda awesome. Will you be posting writing here too? (l've only read 3ish posts so far, but this made me laugh.) Poor kid.
    Good luck with the novel, too. I'd love to read some of it, if you post. (or other writing even.:)

  3. Thanks Laurie! He doesn't seem to be afraid of heights now, just the garage door.

    You can check out for my more writerly stuff. I am getting ready to post some of my shorter stories there. It might be a few more days before I have the polishing done.

    Glad you enjoyed your intro to True Mama Tales!
